conscious consumption is

  • Personalised

    Conscious Consumption is an extremely high touch program. You will working with me directly 1:1 so you feel supported throughout your entire journey. Together we will implement strategies and plans customised to YOUR unique needs and goals.

  • Educational

    You will learn to feel more empowered and confident in your food choices and at peace working towards nourishing your body in a way that is good for both you and the planet.

  • Holistic

    Health is more than the food we eat - it’s how we feel, how we think, how we move, and how we live. Conscious Consumption coaching focuses on delivering the complete package - mind, body and soul. So that you can reach your goals from a place of confidence and self-love.

  • Plant-based

    Conscious consumption is focused on helping you build a relationship with food and fitness that is not only sustainable for you, but also for the planet. As the single biggest thing we can do to reduce our footprint on the planet at an individual level is to adopt a plant-based diet, this coaching program is 100% plant-based.

How you’ll feel

EMPOWERED & confident

in your food choices, your body, and yourself


in your actions

& the healthiest version of you


  • Not sure how to fuel your body and feel your best on a plant-based diet?

  • Needing to heal your relationship with food and body?

  • Wanting to eat in a way that considers the health of the planet?

  • Confused on the when and what to eat?

  • Tired of working against your body?

  • Not seeing the results you had hoped for on a plant-based diet?

  • Feeling like all your time and energy is consumed worrying about what you’re eating, how you look, your next workout, etc?

  • Wanting a long-term sustainable solution to exercising for hours and eating clean but afraid of losing all of your hard work?

  • Feeling overwhelmed & scared of change so stay stuck in your current routine?


  • Be from obsessive calorie counting and instead know how to balance intuitive eating and supporting your body nutritionally.

  • Have complete confidence in fuelling yourself on a plant-based diet.

  • Feel free, energised, and flexible around food and fitness.  

  • Be able to listen to your body and honour it’s needs with confidence.

  • Have a consistent and sustainable routine that you enjoy and works with your lifestyle.

  • Have developed a healthy relationship with food, body, and yourself.

  • Know that you are contributing to the health of the planet through aligned action.

Get ready to glow from the inside out

Cornerstones of Conscious Consumption Coaching

  • Working with your body rather than constantly pushing against it.

  • Education behind nutrition and building balanced meals rather than a blanket meal plan. Putting the power back in your hands with knowledge that you’ll carry with you for life.

  • Modifying meals to meet your goals and troubleshooting common plant-based concerns.

  • Tuning into hunger cues and blocking out misinformation noise.

  • Nutrient-first approach to take the focus off what food is doing TO your body and instead looking at what it can do FOR your body.

  • Eating what feels best for you and your individual needs.

Together we will work on:

  • Mindset

    Together we work on your mindset towards food, confidence, self worth, and body image, so that you can view health and fitness as an act of self-love.

  • Nutrition

    So you can nourish your body on a plant-based diet with confidence, feel energised, and develop a healthy relationship with food.

  • lifestyle

    So you can effortlessly integrate movement, mindfulness, a wellness habits into your life with ease to be the healthiest, strongest & most confident version of yourself.


  • Create a healthy and balanced relationship with food

  • Nourish your body so that you glow from the inside out

  • Feel fit, strong, and confident - mentally and physically

  • Learn how to fuel yourself on a plant-based diet

  • Cultivate self-love for yourself and your body

  • Be able to balance eating for nutrition and following your bodies intuition

  • Feel heard, supported, and guided on your health journey

then Conscious Consumption Coaching is for you

I spent years struggling with my relationship with food, exercising for hours, losing my period, tired all the time, afraid to eat out, too scared of my body changing to make any changes, basing all of my worth off of what I looked like and the opinions of others, prioritising aesthetics over my health (while telling myself I was doing the opposite) - convinced I could only have one or the other.

To now eating to nourish rather than punish my body, exercising strengthen myself not shrink myself, having a healthy and regular cycle, and living a balanced, aligned, and fulfilled life.

The common theme through all of these struggles, was a lack of self-worth. The way we think, feel, and talk about ourselves is the foundation of everything that follows - how we eat, how we move, how we live, and what we achieve. I can give you all the recipes, all the workouts, all the tips in the world, but without first cultivating love for yourself, these will only be a means to an end, and once you reach that end, you still won’t be satisfied. I know because I’ve been there, and I want to help you find a better way.

My approach to health and wellness is holistic. We look at all areas of your life to achieve your health and wellness goals. Just like in nature, everything in our bodies is connected and therefore in order to achieve the outer work, we must first do the inner work in order for our goals to be sustainable and enjoyable. We take a holistic look at your diet, lifestyle, movement, and mindset to have you feeling your best and healthiest self.

Sometimes all you need is a bit of support and knowledge to help you through the other side - and that’s exactly what you’ll be getting with me in your corner.

12 WEEK holistic health & nutrition PACKAGE

This will be a 3-month program for a total health transformation. We dive deep into nutrition, movement, lifestyle, and mindset. This program will have you feeling confident in your food choices, your body, and yourself and have you feeling supported through the process with guidance from a registered dietitian. Included is 12 x 1:1 virtual 50 min sessions, personalised nutrition education and plan, guidance around movement and developing healthy habits, activities to keep you accountable, daily WhatsApp communication + check-ins, and more!

8 WEEK holistic health & nutrition PACKAGE

This is an 8-week package to become your healthiest and happiest self through nourishing foods, mindset shifts, healthier habits, and more. Included is 8 x 1:1 virtual 50 minute sessions, a personalised 8-week plan, weekly WhatsApp communication + check-ins, and more!

6 WEEK holistic health & nutrition coaching PACKAGE

This 6-week package to transform includes 6 x 1:1 virtual 50 min sessions, a personalised 6 week plan with a goal in mind, personalised nutrition guidance and education, activities to keep you accountable, and weekly WhatsApp communication + check-ins!

1:1 nutrition consult

If you struggle with fuelling yourself on a plant-based diet, nutritional deficiencies, gut health, or you simply want to improve the quality of you diet, but aren’t ready to commit to a full program, this is for you. This is a 1:1 coaching session to help you optimise your diet and nutriton and feel supported through the process with guidance from a registered dietitian with 10 years experience on a plant-based diet.


Conscious consumption coaching is not a quick fix or FAD diet - it is a long-term sustainable and holistic approach to health for you and for the planet. It is an investment in the future you in the form of a 6-, 8- or 12-week transformation program that will take you from having an unhealthy relationship with food and fitness, struggling with body image, and having low sense of self-worth. To feeling confident in your food choices, your body, and yourself.

Whether your goal is weight loss or gain, building muscle, regaining energy, improving digestion, healing your relationship with food and fitness, finding balance, or all of the above - I want to help you get there. Conscious Consumption is a holistic approach that encompasses all things mind, body, and planet to help you develop a healthy relationship with food, body and self - for life.

how does it work?

We work together on a weekly basis where I take you through a personalised 6-, 8- or 12-week program where we work on your diet and lifestyle ensuring each week is tailored to you and your goals. I take a holistic approach to nutrition, so more than simply looking at only diet, we also work on shifting your mindset to cultivate a healthier relationship with food and set you up for the healthy habits we work on implementing - so that they stick for life.

If you want to reach your goals, find food freedom, and build confidence on a plant-based diet then my program was made for you.

If you are not wanting to make the commitment to a full program, I do offer individual 1:1 sessions. However, if you are looking for a complete transformation and accountability and support throughout the process, committing to a 6-, 8-, or 12-week coaching program is the best value for you as we can work on a deeper level to get the most out of our time together.


  • Weekly 1:1 nutrition coaching sessions tailored to your needs to support and guide you through your health and wellness journey.

  • Personalised plan: together we go through your current lifestyle and challenges to get to your goals. We break down exactly what you need to feel like your healthiest self mentally and physically by creating healthy habits to diet, lifestyle, and mindset shifts over the next 6-, 8- or 12-weeks.

  • Non-restrictive plant-based nutrition education to help you thrive! Together we will ensure you’re meeting all of your nutritional needs with an educated intuitive eating approach. Rather than counting calories, the focus is on education around food and improving the quality of your overall diet ensuring all needs are being met on a plant-based diet. Then we can dive deeper into things based on your unique needs and goals. We troubleshoot all common concerns like low energy, iron, protein, and more!

  • Accountability and education from a Registered Dietitian with 10 years of plant-based experience around your diet, mindset, and daily habits.

  • Guidance with movement with a focus on feeling good while helping you reach your body goals.

  • Mindset work around cultivating food freedom and body confidence.

  • Customised plant-based recipes that will assist you on your journey.

  • Regular WhatsApp communication and check-ins.


Individual prices can be seen under each of the program tabs, and prices vary depending on the length of time you spend with me. The longer the coaching program, the better value for money you receive, with prices starting at as little as $11/day - that’s less than buying a take-away lunch everyday!

With me as your coach you are essentially getting a dietitian, movement, and mindset coach all in one, each and every week, for 6, 8 or 12 weeks. You are getting a transformation and knowledge that you can take with you for life. You are getting a coach who has struggled with self worth, has been both overweight and underweight so understands your want to be the best version of yourself both physically and mentally - and is equipped with the tools to get you there.

Ask yourself, what is the cost of not prioritising your mental and physical health? More FAD diets, more money spent on unnecessary supplements and quick fixes, more time lost on trial and error and “figuring it out yourself” with no guidance. More days not feeling confident in yourself and your body. This is both time, money, and well-being lost.

A gym membership is an investment, a coach is an investment, healthy food is an investment. Sometimes health does cost you time and money, but the return comes back to you immediately AND long term. Over a lifetime, this is a small investment in yourself.

You deserve to feel your happiest and healthiest self, so if you believe you are worthy of finding long lasting and sustainable health - allow me to help you.