Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet!

My name is Tamsin. I am a plant-based dietitian, pilates instructor, and environmental science graduate passionate about all things health, wellness, sustainability, and self love.

Having grown up in Australia surrounded by nature, I always felt inclined to work in a space that advocated for the protection of the environment, wildlife, and the planet as a whole. 

After being hospitalised for an eating disorder at a young age, and becoming consumed with subsequent orthorexic tendencies and diet culture for years after - my focus shifted from caring about the world the around me, to being hyper-focused what my body looked like and basing my self-worth on the opinions and praise from others.

I was obsessed with eating clean, fearing processed foods, and was anxious to ever eat out. I was exercising compulsively everyday for hours doing cardio trying to stay as lean as possible and I lost my period for 8 years as a result.

Throughout my recovery, I started learning how our food choices not only impact the health of our bodies but also the health of the planet. My focus shifted and it became my mission to reduce my footprint on the planet through diet and lifestyle and inspire and support others to do the same. This led me to find plant-based eating and pursuing a degree in dietetics to help others improve their relationship with food and eat in a more planet-friendly way.

In 2020 I developed chronic IBS as a result of appendicitis which has been one of the most challenging, yet strengthening, hurdles of my life which naturally lead me towards learning all things mindset, self worth, and the mind-body connection.

From all of my experiences, my purpose is to help women reach their health goals, fall in love with food and fitness, and inspire them think beyond their bodies when it comes to wellness and consider our footprint as humans on the planet when it comes to our food choices. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel our best, but when we base our worth solely on our bodies, it’s easy to forget that there is more to life than diet and exercise. But when we focus on the collective and what we can do outside of our bodies, that’s when we really see that we are so much more than how we look.

If you are wanting to heal your relationship with food on a plant-based diet, find a sustainable and uncomplicated fitness routine, regain your period, and feel more confident in your body - I am here to help you through it. I’ve been both overweight and underweight and I know what it feels like to not feel like yourself in your own skin, and I promise you it doesn’t have to be that way.

My aim is to help you heal your relationship with food, fitness, and yourself by working with you to reduce your impact on the planet through diet and lifestyle, mindfulness, and embracing self-love whilst we work towards your health and fitness goals. I am honoured that you have chosen me to be a part of your journey to regain your health, your life, and protect the planet with plants!